Brain Dead (2007)

Brain Dead (2007)

Movie details

Movie: Brain Dead (2007)
Initial release: October 17, 2007
Director: Kevin S. Tenney
Distributed by: Shoreline Entertainment


Summary: Six people are caught in a deserted fishing lodge with a host of alien-infected, mutant zombies at their doorstep.

Spoilers: none

Kevin S. Tenney, the well-known 80s/90s horror film director who gave us the likes of Witchboard (1986), brings us his brand new work, Brain Dead. The newest one doesn’t even try to be much different than his older ones, consisting of sleazy, porn-ridden gore. The title of this article is the film’s way cool tag-line, but I’m guessing the brain-eating zombies might beg to differ with its message.

The story is of six unfortunate people who coincidently meet at a fishing cabin near a river where they must work together to stay alive from human hosts taken over by a parasitic alien organism that fell to earth as a meteorite to feed on brains.

This nudity-graced, low-budget horror wears its badge proudly as being the product of someone who truly knows the horror genre and wants to give his audience exactly what they came to see–nudity on the outside and human guts being relocated there by our token zombies.

We start off in a small town with a “podunk” police force transporting two criminals. One is “Bob” (David Crane) who is handcuffed to “Clarence” (Joshua Benton). When the van pops a tire and the officer driving gets out to change it, he is ransacked by Bob and the two escape.

Making their way to an abandoned fishing cabin, they soon meet “Sherry” (Sarah Grant Brendecke) (who, along with Benton, is the star of the show) who loves to “commune with nature” by swimming in the nude, and a man-despising-but-seductive lesbian, “Claudia” (Michelle Tomlinson) who more than makes up for her grumpiness by giving us a memorable skin-shot with a dip in the river accompanying her friend.

Joining them at the cabin is “Reverend Farnsworth” (Andy Forest), a minister with a “calling” for the breasts of his well-titted, young companion, “Amy Smoots” (Cristina Tiberia), who happens not to be his wife.

Unbeknownst to the group, the asteroid-morphing parasite has already begun turning ordinary humans into super-strong brain-eaters who possess a ravenous desire for gouging out eyes and going to incredibly intelligent lengths (for zombies) to rip out brains and feed on them.

Despite its low budget, the affects are doing well. At no point does the setting feel cheap, nor do the gore affects, which are generously applied (neck and upward mainly). The film’s pacing carries itself well without bogging down for the entire 95-minute runtime, which is due in part to these propped-up characters that only serve to be taken advantage of in a movie where the intertwining humor and horror are to converge into one focal point, and nothing is to be taken seriously.

Scenes phase in and out with an artful tinge as the film spares not on the clichés or female nudity (which includes an up-close vagina shot of Tiberia). The whole work is as believable as the plot of a porno. Thankfully, the acting is considerably better.

The major deduction is for dialog that incorporates verbally incendiary remarks like: “Shut the fuck up!” and other exclamations used over and over amidst pointless exchanges that do nothing to augment the intended high-tension humor. These and other verbally lame comebacks, retorts, and jokes occupy so much film time that they are hard to ignore and cannot be covered up by the film’s mildly aggressive humorous current that started out on the right note.

The sleaze and gorehounds out there will be mighty happy with what has been proven to sell and what this film has, which is naked chicks and plenty of gore.

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Bloodlust Zombies (2011)

Bloodlust Zombies (2011)


Summary: A military weapons manufacturer creates a chemical weapon that causes victims to become blood-lusting killers.

Spoilers: none

I’m convinced that there may literally never be an end to movies in the zombie apocalypse genre, at least not one I can see coming. Nowhere else is this more true than in the world of direct-to-DVD releases. But while examples of zombie slop are abundant, a bit less so are cheap, poorly produced zombie movies featuring porn stars. Bloodlust Zombies darn near breaks the mould.

Directed by Dan Lantz, our star is “Alexis Texas,” a blonde beauty who has appeared skyclad in hundreds
of adult films. She, among other topless girls, bare their goods for us. Sounds like Lantz figures he’ll grab some extra viewers and get bunches more to be counted among the gore-hounds with Alexis in the picture. He’s not wrong.

Bloodlust Zombies is about a weapons contracting firm called Zlantoff Industries and a team of researchers who create a new chemical called VC-42C that is designed to infect with rage enemy combatants of the United States. The drug is tested on cats and is a success. The go-ahead is then given to engineer the substance to help American troops win in battle. But an accident happens in the lab, which leads to a building lock-down to try and contain the contamination. This is where the movie takes place.

Now things don’t get truly, truly bad until the first few lines of the film are uttered—no, wait, it’s when we consider why the accident happened. The director of the research lab, “Bobby Lee” (Robert Heath) has sort of a loose office conduct policy. Whether or not it applies to everyone else is unknown, but he applies it to himself—he bangs his hot blonde little cowgirl (Texas) over the intercom, bringing grins and laughs as an office-full of dorks and techies sip champagne and giggle.

The film may have nothing going for it in the conventional sense (not counting that it is hilariously bad), but at least the plot component that involves zombies is to be commended. The chaos-causing chemical is intended to make troops of enemy soldiers go berserk on each other. This is something we don’t see in so many movies where zombie gangs choose to work together and chase down the non-infected only.

The performances in this slimy, sleazy, slacker of a super-sucker are as badly conceived as they are acted, with the breast-baring partial exception of Alexis, who, along with “Judy Miller” (Janice Marie), are the only two characters we don’t relish hating. Judy is like a grief-stricken Michele Bachmann and she totes her gun around the office in memory of her fallen husband who died in the army.

To annoy us beyond words is “Darren” (Adam Danoff), the nerdy office jerk whose nasty commentary and mere presence is an obnoxious assault on the sensibilities of the entire world. You have to look pretty hard to find a self-serving, unmotivated, cliché-using sex perv of a comic relief character that sinks this low. Studies show that Jay and Silent Bob and Peewee Herman actually come out way ahead of this guy on likeability tests.

Security guards fretting about their underpaying jobs (Lantz himself plays the office security guard who does most of the yapping), arguing with each other, and telling each other to eat bags of dicks is only a small piece of this excrement pie. So many lines of characters are repeated unnecessarily, and many times with long strings of expletives sandwiched in between. Even junior high kids first discovering profanity couldn’t be any more creative in their mixing up of swears. Many of these are in attempts to sound forceful or intimidating, making it not just sad, but sad and funny.

The script is so sloppy that these laughably standout-ish characters, in their sometimes-somber-sometimes-comical-sometimes-clueless tirades will communicate the drama of terror situations in such a way that any camcorder home movie would offer better performances. People are so easily killed/disarmed/snuck up upon that I don’t think anyone will ever deny that the film fulfills its comedy aspect, and the horror aspect only makes this better—or worse.

The top-up female nudity is an ambitious attempt at trying to raise the bar, but the gore is a stand-alone riot by itself. More than once, these zombies manage to bite necks in a particular place of the victims, causing blood to shoot through the air as if shot out by a power sprayer.

So many zombie flicks have come and gone, but this one is THE ONE to stand out in sheer, unrepentant badness. I laughed so hard I cried, watching for more through the credits. My F might as well be an A+. It’s hard to top this stuff. Even Uwe Boll’s god-awful House of the Dead (2003) doesn’t bat in this league. Troll 2, look out!

For more movies visit Gomovies.

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